Unknown property ‘-moz-column-gap’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:7453 Error in parsing value for ‘text-wrap’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:8826 Unknown property ‘line-clamp’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:20000 Unknown property ‘-moz-column-gap’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:20749 Unknown property ‘scroll-timeline’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:24936 Unknown property ‘line-clamp’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:25457 Unknown property ‘animation-timeline’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:25903 Unknown property ‘animation-range’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:25926 Unknown property ‘animation-timeline’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:26324 Unknown property ‘animation-range’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:26357 Unknown property ‘animation-timeline’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:26511 Unknown property ‘animation-range’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:26544 Unknown property ‘line-clamp’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:33475 Unknown property ‘-moz-column-gap’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:34629 Unknown property ‘line-clamp’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:48620 Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:48775 Error in parsing value for ‘text-wrap’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:61616 Unknown property ‘-moz-column-gap’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:63406 Error in parsing value for ‘text-wrap’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:67221 Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘hidden’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:67272 Unknown property ‘text-fill-color’. Declaration dropped. main-iO4LbAEj.css:1:72013 Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-text-size-adjust’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:1:5432 Error in parsing value for ‘-moz-text-size-adjust’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:1:5459 Unknown property ‘text-size-adjust’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:1:5481 Keyframe rule ignored due to bad selector. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:1:15183 Keyframe rule ignored due to bad selector. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:1:15238 Keyframe rule ignored due to bad selector. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:1:15289 Keyframe rule ignored due to bad selector. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:1:15347 Unknown property ‘content-visibility’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:2480 Error in parsing value for ‘grid-auto-rows’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:6708 Error in parsing value for ‘grid-auto-rows’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:6743 Error in parsing value for ‘grid-template-rows’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:7783 Unknown property ‘masonry-auto-flow’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:7809 Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘focus’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:29183 Unknown property ‘animation-timeline’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:58846 Unknown property ‘animation-range’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:58871 Error in parsing value for ‘scroll-snap-align’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:61201 Unknown property ‘content-visibility’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:61608 Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-box-pack’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:62008 Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-moz-placeholder-shown’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:63915 Unknown property ‘line-clamp’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:73696 Unknown property ‘-moz-column-gap’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:74371 Error in parsing value for ‘text-wrap’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:76720 Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-box-pack’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:81428 Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-box-pack’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:88783 Unknown property ‘user-drag’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:94179 Unknown property ‘rtl-ordering’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:94469 Unknown property ‘box-shadow-color’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:95544 Unknown property ‘box-shadow-color’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:95708 Unknown property ‘box-shadow-color’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:95856 Unknown property ‘line-clamp’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:107017 Unknown property ‘line-clamp’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:108635 Error in parsing value for ‘text-wrap’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:119719 Unknown property ‘-moz-column-gap’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:123885 Error in parsing value for ‘text-wrap’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:124150 Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:133716 Error in parsing value for ‘transition-delay’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:133735 Unknown property ‘line-clamp’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:137526 Unknown property ‘line-clamp’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:140008 Unknown property ‘line-clamp’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:140230 Unknown property ‘line-clamp’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:140307 Unknown property ‘-moz-column-gap’. Declaration dropped. useTitle-Wtx90Uph.css:7:155708 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. 18 phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. phanpy.fulda.social:1:2 Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. 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